SOP-Writing In India

SOP Writing: Human Vs AI-SOP Writing

SOP writing these days has become a hassle for every student who is aspiring to study abroad and explore themselves in the realm of diversity and practical challenges. In this competitive edge of the AI world, where everything is readily served just with the help of a prompt, the Human touch is still something that can never be replaced in writing a personalised SOP. When it comes to SOP writing, you will always need an expert to help you out to apply in your dream universities, because an SOP requires 3 primary things: Storytelling, Structure, and Connectivity, something which one prompt can never solve.

 SOP writing is far easier in brainstorming than writing an AI prompt for building an SOP. If you look out there, there are courses on how to build effective prompts or how to get the best prompt, but there is no single course on SOP writing. A university requires you to apply with all your gut and story. You have to put it out there, which is the whole and sole purpose of curating the same. As an SOP writing expert, we understand that despite you having a story and a lot of information to provide, putting them in proper words, structure, and connectivity becomes a task. That’s where an expert’s help comes in to provide a perfect human touch and no way that is AI. 

Let’s point out some True Facts about AI.

  • Let’s Face It! A machine can only help a human to a certain extent. If you as a human cannot pull out good prompts on an AI-driven platform, it will only give you generic content, which in turn is a loss for you.
  • The basic understanding or reviewing of an SOP is based on the past background you have had and how it connects with your future goals. This also concerns the writing pattern in a respective SOP. The language, tone, and vocabulary have to be as per your scores and IELTS/PTE/GMAT/GRE scores. AI can never understand how to structure the tone as per your score. It tends to use heavy vocab to make you outshine.
  • An SOP should have a word count of 1100-1200, and for that, you will have to write more than 5 prompts to make sure the SOP is well-written, and even more than 20 for that matter if your prompt is not effective. Now imagine how tedious it will be!
  • If you have a gap, a work experience, and something which is a personal experience, an AI can never give you a structured connectivity that helps a reviewer to understand why exactly have you opted for an advanced course, because there will be its and bits of paragraphs and it will only be a task of how to connect one dot with another.

How can a HUMAN TOUCH-as in WE can help!

There are thousands of questions and an array of confusions when it comes to SOP writing which can get you to top universities. The major reason that contributes to a lot of confusion is the fear factor whilst putting forward an application. Here, AI can never help you overcome fear, it can only confuse you more, that’s why experts like us come into the picture. Only a human can understand what is going on in your mind, and what exactly are your requirements. The tiny details and the finesse can only be bought on the table if SOP writing is done manually. Normally, the question arises that if not AI why an expert outside. Well, the simple answer to this is that experts like us have researched, tested, and passed on “What are the university requirements”.

AI-SOP Writing Tool?

Where an AI tool has a Major Setback, an expert like us holds the same as our forte, which is keeping the language, the connectivity, the structure and to top it off the STORYTELLING which can make you outshine in any university you apply to. Knowing how to keep a low tone, how to make sure that the past is connected with the future, and how to subside any problems subtly while SOP writing is something that only a HUMAN CAN DO! And in this case- EXPERTS LIKE US!

To conclude, there can be so many facts and differences that can be laid out between AI and Human written content, but it will be a long list, and if given a proper prompt AI itself will lay out how human-written SOP is better than AI-because after all it’s a machine listening to a human. 

We at One-stop Content Solutions are here to make you understand that you don’t need prompts, you need something that can tell the university how much of a better candidate are you and our major USP is- WE ARE NEVER OUT OF WORDS- where you don’t have to regenerate responses, you just need to call us and get that one perfect Best SOP writing Service done which will get you your dream college/university without any hassle.

You can even check our list for the top 5 Visa SOP Writing Services in India!

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